Hi guys
Me & EofGizmo recorded the very first episode of Pod of War this afternoon, which can be found here on Gintendo.
It went okay (there is outtakes which will go up on my YouTube channel), there is a issue about 1hr in when movie maker won't record any more and it get dark due to time at the end also I didn't edit in the PlayStation start up very well also I don't why but in my documents which ha the original recordings you can see me & EofGizmo fine along with the desk which has PlayStation stuff on but the saved edited version is sort of zoomed in, I've got no idea why though.
This is attempted one though that next time we have more of idea and will try to keep under 1hr also we do talk a few other bits along with a bit of #bantz in the mix but if you like your VITA, Indie or games from Japan your in for a treat.