So here we are. The final day of Space Year Twenty Seventeen. That must mean it's time for...
THE FIFTH ANNUAL GNAMER FORUM AWARDSIn order to have time to contemplate the enormity of the task ahead, you have until the
24th of January to send in your votes. Results will be announced the week after. Get your thinking Cappies on, team.
All awards are one vote unless stated otherwise, y'all. And here be they:
Forum AwardsForumite of the Year (
two votes, weighted equally) - the best forumites of this calendar year (as a teacher, my year basically starts in September
). They are the twin pinnacles of GNamer, displaying wit, wisdom and other good stuff.
Contributor of the Year - the person or spambot that brings it. Consistently. Replies, new threads, hashtag bantz and hashtag content. They are.... CONTRIBUTOR OF THE YEAR!
Funniest Forumite - laugh out loud, this forumite makes you. The humour is ripe, rife and always on point. Go on, vote them as your Funniest Forumite of 2017.
Board of the Year - we put all our posts on boards. Which has been the top board in 2017? Reward it with a vote in this here category.
Topic of the Year - it could have been amusing, informative or discussative. That's a new word, apparently. Anyway, whichever one it is - it's your Topic of the Year. Oh, er, it can't be one of the big ones (like an Admintendo or vote thread - they go in GNamer Forum Event of the Year, below).
Post of the Year (
three votes, in order of preference) - oh, you remember these! Those posts that made you smile, shout "Yes" or otherwise nod at your screen. Give 'em some credit.
GNamer Forum Event of the Year - this could be an Admintendo, or the meet-up, or a vote, or perhaps one of our delectable GNamer podcasts.
Avatar of the Year - picture this!
Signature of the Year - signing off, and yet signing on to our hearts.
Tagline of the Year (
three votes, in order of preference) - you know those little lines that appear under the forum heading? We call those 'taglines'. Some of them are funny. Others are ones that I wrote.
Give us your favourite trio - you can check the nearby tagline thread for all of 2017's goodies.
Gaming AwardsSwitch Game of the Year (
three votes, in order of preference) - the Wii U was cast out (well, except for Breath Of The Wild) in favour of some hybrid console, with its Joyk-Ons and flimsy dock thing. I hear some of the games were alright, though.
3DS & Mobile Game of the Year (
three votes, in order of preference) - the 3DS has perhaps wound down this year, if not in the release schedule, then perhaps in our hearts. Honour it one last time. Perhaps.
Nontendo Exclusive of the Year (
three votes, in order of preference) - must have been released exclusively on a Nontendo system (including PC, iOS and Android).
Multiplatform Game of the Year (
three votes, in order of preference) - and one of the platforms can be a Nintendo one, of course.
The Katie Hopkins Award for Worst Game of the Year (
three votes, in order of preference) - in amongst all the brilliance of 2017 there has been some brutally poor stuff. Tear it a new one in this vote.
Honourable and Dishonourable Mentions - send as many or as few as you'd like, for any and all categories.
In terms of all the gaming awards, please make sure your votes were released in your territory in 2017 and were full games that you played.
Please send your votes to me, ZeroJones, using the MP system (or PM, if you prefer the English name). If there are aspects of the categories that displease you, we can discuss them here. Go for it.
1. Contributor of the Year
2. Avatar of the Year
3. Signature of the Year
4. Funniest Forumite of the Year
5. Tagline of the Year
6. Board of the Year
7. GNamer Forum Event of the Year
8. Topic of the Year
9. Post of the Year
10. Nontendo Exclusive of the Year
11. Multiplatform Game of the Year
12. 3DS & Mobile Game of the Year
13. Switch Game of the Year
14. Worst Game of the Year
15. Forumite of the Year